Dick Merrick

Photo of Dick Merrick

Vo­cal­ist Dick Mer­rick sang with a hand­ful of bands in the 1940s but never broke through to the top. He con­tin­ued singing into the early 1960s but fi­nally called it quits in 1962. He spent the re­main­der of his life work­ing in the hos­pi­tal­ity in­dus­try.

A Philadel­phia na­tive and the son of an Ital­ian im­mi­grant fa­ther, Mer­rick got his first break in front of the mi­cro­phone at age 16 when the band he played in needed a singer. By mid-​1941, he was with Jerry Wald’s or­ches­tra, where he re­mained until No­vem­ber 1942 when he left for the Mc­Far­land Twins. He was back with Wald in May 1943, this time stay­ing for three years and record­ing sev­eral songs.

In early 1946, ru­mors ro­man­ti­cally linked Mer­rick, once de­scribed in a re­view as “bald­ing” and “mus­cu­lar,” with fel­low Wald vo­cal­ist Kay Allen. The pair mar­ried in De­cem­ber of that year.[1] Both had left Wald by that time, with Mer­rick join­ing Bobby Byrne in April 1946. By Oc­to­ber he was part of George Pax­ton’s band. Pax­ton re­or­ga­nized in May 1947, with Mer­rick ini­tially re­main­ing as vo­cal­ist, but he soon left, find­ing work with Wald again, join­ing the clar­inetist in Texas dur­ing a road trip.

Mer­rick’s re­union with Wald did not go well. The two men had a falling out in June. Ac­cord­ing to Mer­rick, Wald “blew his top” when the singer gave no­tice that he was leav­ing the band over dif­fer­ences in vocal in­ter­pre­ta­tions. “Jerry wanted in­ti­mate Tormé stuff and I’m an Eberly type,” said Mer­rick. While Mer­rick was on the band­stand in Galve­ston, Texas, singing one of his num­bers, Wald ac­cused him of fool­ing around ex­ces­sively and or­dered him off the stage and out of the build­ing. Mer­rick de­nied the ac­cu­sa­tion and went back to the dress­ing room. When Wald found him there, he ex­ploded and, in Mer­rick’s words, “jumped on me, tore my shirt and sent me home … with a half week’s pay and no car­fare.”

Wald de­nied that the in­ci­dent in the dress­ing room had taken place. Both men claimed that the “boys in the band” had seen every­thing and would back them up. “Dick Mer­rick caused dis­sen­sion in the band, kib­itzed around on the stand and made noth­ing but trou­ble,” said Wald, who con­tended that Mer­rick had been upset since the time of his ar­rival and was anx­ious to go home to his wife. Mer­rick filed charges against Wald with the Amer­i­can Guild of Va­ri­ety Artists, the vo­cal­ists’ union, seek­ing $88 for trans­porta­tion from Galve­ston back to New York.[2] Pax­ton, in the mean­time, had scrapped his re­or­ga­nized band and put to­gether an­other new out­fit, with Mer­rick slated to re­turn. When the in­ci­dent in Galve­ston oc­curred, Mer­rick had two days left on his no­tice with Wald be­fore he would re­join Pax­ton. He re­mained with Pax­ton until 1949, when the leader dis­banded for good.[3]

Post-​Band Ca­reer

Mer­rick and Allen had a son in Sep­tem­ber 1948. After Pax­ton dis­banded, the cou­ple set­tled in Philadel­phia, where they ap­peared on local tele­vi­sion. In early 1950, they recorded to­gether on the Ad­mi­ral label. In Au­gust of that year, Mer­rick signed with Capi­tol Records as a solo artist, and in 1954 he sang for the BBS label. He recorded more than 50 songs in his ca­reer but never quite man­aged a big hit, a fact he lamented in a 1981 in­ter­view. “I al­ways wanted a hit record. I came close but never could get it,” he said. “Just that one.”

Mer­rick con­tin­ued singing through­out the 1950s, end­ing up on the night­club cir­cuit. He quit show busi­ness in 1962 and moved to Florida, where his fa­ther lived, tak­ing a po­si­tion as Di­rec­tor of Ac­tiv­i­ties at the Car­il­lon Hotel in Miami Beach, which in­volved singing and host­ing in the hotel’s Tam­bourine Room. In 1969, he be­came so­cial di­rec­tor at the Ver­sailles Hotel, re­main­ing there into the 1980s. Dick Mer­rick passed away in 1995 at the age of 75.


  1. Kay Allen would later change her work­ing name to “Cathy” Allen while singing for Louis Prima. ↩︎

  2. Union rules re­quired band­lead­ers to pro­vide trans­porta­tion home to any mem­ber of their band that was fired or let go while on the road. This pre­vented mu­si­cians and singers from find­ing them­selves aban­doned in the mid­dle of nowhere with­out the means to buy train or bus tick­ets home. ↩︎

  3. The in­ci­dent with Wald and Mer­rick was the lead story in Down Beat mag­a­zine for July 2, 1947. ↩︎


  1. “Wald Boosts Band for His Ohio Booking.” Down Beat 1 Jul. 1941: 13.
  2. “Vaudeville Reviews: State, New York.” Billboard 2 Jan. 1943: 74.
  3. “Orchestra Notes.” Billboard 8 May 1943: 23.
  4. “Vaudeville Reviews: Loew's State, New York.” Billboard 29 Dec. 1945: 36.
  5. Kilgallen, Dorothy. “The Voice of Broadway.” Toledo Blade [Toledo, Ohio] 7 Jan. 1946: n.p.
  6. “Music as Written.” Billboard 20 Apr. 1946: 26.
  7. “Strictly Ad Lib.” Down Beat 22 Apr. 1946: 1.
  8. Wilson, Earl. “Feet Edson Tells of Good Old Days.” The Miami News [Miami, Florida] 16 Oct. 1946: 11B.
  9. “Record Reviews and Possibilities.” Billboard 11 Jan. 1947: 31.
  10. “Music as Written.” Billboard 26 Apr. 1947: 23.
  11. Ronan, Eddie. “George Paxton Tries Something New In Instrumentation, Voicing.” Down Beat 18 Jun. 1947: 9.
  12. “Wald Tore My Shirt—Says Singer.” Down Beat 2 Jul. 1947: 1.
  13. “Music As Written.” Billboard 9 Oct. 1948: 25.
  14. “New Numbers.” Down Beat 3 Nov. 1948: 10.
  15. “Record Reviews.” Billboard 12 Feb. 1949: 106.
  16. “Record Reviews.” Billboard 3 Jun. 1950: 117.
  17. “Music as Written.” Billboard 5 Aug. 1950: 14.
  18. “Brookhauser Does a Solid Philadelphia Ed Sullivan.” Billboard 17 Feb. 1951: 8.
  19. Advertising. Billboard 1 May 1954: 29.
  20. “'Round Town Today.” The Miami News [Miami, Florida] 17 Jan. 1959: 6A.
  21. “Show Scene.” The Miami News [Miami, Florida] 2 May 1962: 5B.
  22. Marcus, Jane L. “Former Singer Enjoys His Role as Versailles Social Director.” The Miami News [Miami, Florida] 3 Jun. 1981: Beaches 1.
  23. “United States Census, 1920,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MJP8-7N7 : Fri Dec 08 03:08:27 UTC 2023), Entry for Frank Ricciardi and Albina Ricciardi, 1920.
  24. “United States Census, 1940,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KQMF-FJ2 : Tue Nov 28 17:18:16 UTC 2023), Entry for Frank Ricciardi and Albini Ricciardi, 1940.
  25. “Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q28G-1F6H : Sun Oct 15 16:53:58 UTC 2023), Entry for Louis A Ricciardi and Chatherine M Elenteis Elentrio Zappasodi, 30 Nov 1946.
  26. “Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q28G-18DT : Sun Oct 15 15:50:58 UTC 2023), Entry for Louis A Ricciardi and Catherine M Elentrio Zappasodi, 3 Dec 1946.
  27. “United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007,” database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6KMR-XLKD : 10 February 2023), Dick Merrick.