Tex Beneke

Photo of Tex Beneke

Tenor sax­o­phon­ist and singer Tex Beneke is best re­mem­bered for his long as­so­ci­a­tion with Glenn Miller. Beneke, con­sid­ered one of the top sax­o­phone play­ers of the early 1940s, be­came a pop­u­lar star in Miller’s or­ches­tra both for his vo­cals and his in­stru­men­tal work. After the war, he led the late band­leader’s Army Air Force or­ches­tra when it re­turned to civil­ian life. Though he often felt hemmed in by Miller’s legacy, Beneke kept Miller’s music at the cen­ter of his pro­fes­sional life through­out his ca­reer.

Beneke began his ca­reer per­form­ing in re­gional bands in the Ok­la­homa and Texas area. He joined Ben Young’s out­fit in 1935 and trav­eled to De­troit with them in 1937. There, in 1938, he was heard by fel­low sax­o­phon­ist Sam Don­ahue, who rec­om­mended him to his then boss, Gene Krupa. Krupa couldn’t hire Beneke but knew Miller was putting to­gether a new out­fit and in­formed the Miller about him.

Beneke de­buted with Miller’s or­ches­tra in 1938. He quickly be­came one of the band­leader’s clos­est as­so­ci­ates and emerged as a pop­u­lar star in his own right, his sax solos dec­o­rat­ing many of Miller’s hit songs. Down Beat mag­a­zine read­ers voted him to the 1940, 1941 and 1942 All-​American Swing Bands, the only Miller mu­si­cian to earn that honor.[1] Aside from his sax du­ties, Beneke also stepped out of the band to sing nov­elty tunes. His most no­table vocal hits in­clude “Chat­tanooga Choo Choo” and “I’ve Got a Gal in Kala­ma­zoo.” He also ap­peared with the band in their two 20th Cen­tury Fox films.

After Miller dis­banded in Sep­tem­ber 1942 to join the Army Air Force, Beneke went out on tour with fel­low Miller vo­cal­ists Mar­ion Hut­ton and the Mod­er­naires as a com­bined act called the Glenn Miller Singers. Band­lead­ers Jan Savitt and Ho­race Heidt both at­tempted to lure Beneke into their or­ches­tras, with Beneke ul­ti­mately join­ing Heidt in De­cem­ber at a ru­mored guar­an­tee of $500 per week, a princely sum. His sud­den ap­pear­ance in Heidt’s or­ches­tra sur­prised many peo­ple, but his un­ex­pected de­par­ture after only five days on the band­stand sur­prised even him. Beneke had tried to en­list in the Navy ear­lier in the year but had been re­jected due to color blind­ness. No sooner had he set­tled in to Heidt’s out­fit when he re­ceived a wire from the Navy in­form­ing him that they had waived his dis­abil­ity, and he was or­dered to re­port. While in the ser­vice, Beneke was sta­tioned at the Naval Air Tech­ni­cal Train­ing Cen­ter in Nor­man, Ok­la­homa, where he was a mem­ber of the wel­fare de­part­ment and di­rec­tor of two dance bands. He rose to the rank of Chief Petty Of­fi­cer.

Post-​War Miller Band

After his dis­charge in No­vem­ber 1945, Beneke was re­cruited by Miller’s widow to front his for­mer em­ployer’s Army Air Force or­ches­tra when it re­turned to the States. The band made its first civil­ian radio per­for­mance on Jan­u­ary 12, 1946, over NBC and its first live per­for­mance on Jan­u­ary 24, 1946, at the Capi­tol The­ater in New York. Com­posed mostly of Miller’s AAF mu­si­cians and those who had played with Miller be­fore the war, the group was of­fi­cially called the Glenn Miller Or­ches­tra with Tex Beneke and was billed as the band Miller “wanted to pre­sent to the Amer­i­can pub­lic on his re­turn from over­seas.”

The or­ches­tra, which used both Miller’s pre-​war and wartime books, was one of the largest bands in the coun­try, with 30 or more mu­si­cians, in­clud­ing a string sec­tion. Johnny Desmond was orig­i­nally slated to be the male bal­lad singer but de­parted for a solo ca­reer be­fore the band made its debut. Artie Malvin, an ex-Claude Thorn­hill vo­cal­ist who had been an arranger for Miller’s AAF band, stepped in to take his place. Vocal group the Crew Chiefs made the tran­si­tion from the wartime band, and Jerry Gray con­tin­ued to arrange. Lil­lian Lane joined the or­ches­tra as its first fe­male singer be­fore their ap­pear­ance at the Capi­tol.

Beneke’s or­ches­tra quickly be­came one of the most pop­u­lar in the coun­try, often play­ing to record-​breaking crowds. At a time when most bands were strug­gling, and many dis­band­ing, Beneke’s Miller group was rak­ing in the prof­its. Beneke was not of­fi­cially the leader of the band how­ever. That title went to man­ager Don Haynes, who had also been Miller’s man­ager. Haynes had joined Miller in 1940 and had en­listed in the ser­vice along­side him, man­ag­ing Miller’s wartime band. Beneke was salaried as a front man, but after the band proved a huge suc­cess he raised the issue. Re­ports stated that there was fric­tion be­tween him and Haynes over the mat­ter, which Beneke “strongly” de­nied. Beneke was fi­nally cut in on the profit shar­ing equally with Haynes in Jan­u­ary 1947.

Haynes and Beneke slowly tried to wean the band off of Miller’s name and book but were un­suc­cess­ful at every turn. Beneke began by adding a few songs to the band’s book that were not closely tied to Miller, but fans com­plained. Billing on record la­bels, orig­i­nally cred­ited as “Tex Beneke with The Glenn Miller Or­ches­tra,” had sub­tly changed to “Tex Beneke and The Miller Or­ches­tra” by the end of 1946, but when Haynes sent a con­tract to a the­ater op­er­a­tor re­quir­ing that only Beneke’s name be dis­played on the mar­quee and in ad­ver­tis­ing, the op­er­a­tor sent it back. When Haynes sent a new con­tract with both Beneke and Miller’s name in­cluded, the op­er­ated ac­cepted it, and at an in­creased price. “That proved it to us,” said Haynes, “and as far as we are con­cerned, the Miller name will re­main in­def­i­nitely.” When Down Beat printed an ar­ti­cle dis­cussing the de­sire by Haynes and Beneke to make the name change, angry let­ters flooded into the mag­a­zine. Read­ers were al­most unan­i­mously against it.

Beneke’s Miller band fin­ished first in Bill­board mag­a­zine’s 1947 poll for best sweet band. They ap­peared reg­u­larly on radio on all the major net­works in 1946 and 1947, in­clud­ing a thirteen-​week ap­pear­ance on Johnny Desmond’s Mu­tual net­work radio pro­gram, Judy, Jill and Johnny, start­ing in De­cem­ber 1946. In Sum­mer 1947, the band began al­ter­nat­ing with Frankie Carle on the Chester­field Sup­per Club. The deal caused major prob­lems with Beneke’s book­ing sched­ule, forc­ing him to can­cel a num­ber of dates due to Chester­field re­quir­ing the band to do their Mon­day and Wednes­day shows from New York. Beneke lost $35,000 in the process. In early 1948, the band began a weekly re­cruit­ment pro­gram, On the Beam, for the Army Air Force on the Mu­tual net­work.

As the band began to come into its own, Beneke had to walk a very tight rope when it came to using the name of his for­mer boss. Though fans were ex­tremely loyal to Miller, crit­ics and those in the music trade felt that Beneke was mis­us­ing the late band­leader’s name for his own ad­van­tage. Beneke and Haynes kept slowly push­ing and by Oc­to­ber 1947 felt con­fi­dent enough that book­ers were will­ing to ac­cept the Beneke name on its own. They an­nounced that start­ing Feb­ru­ary 2, 1948, the band would drop Miller’s name from its tag. By this time, aside from Beneke, there was only one other mem­ber who had played with Miller. The band’s name on Vic­tor record la­bels had be­come “Tex Beneke and his Or­ches­tra” by the end of 1947.

In Jan­u­ary 1949, Beneke got rid of the band’s ten-​member string sec­tion.[2] Fans had con­tin­u­ally asked him to drop strings and get back to the Miller ba­sics, though Beneke stated that Miller would have used strings if he were alive, which is why he had kept them. Beneke con­tin­ued to be hemmed in by Miller’s leg­end, hav­ing to heav­ily play Miller stan­dards at every per­for­mance. If he brought in a new bal­lad, it had to be given the fa­mil­iar Miller reed voic­ing. In early 1949, he told Down Beat that the band was going to get more “Miller-​ish,” as all their re­quests were for the Miller style. In an early 1949 in­ter­view, Beneke also said he had held out hope that Miller wasn’t dead and would re­turn but re­cently had come to ac­cept that he wouldn’t.

Though Beneke con­tin­ued to draw crowds, by the end of the 1940s his music and style had lost much of its promise. He began to re­ceive se­ri­ous com­pe­ti­tion on the Miller front in late 1949 from Ralph Flana­gan’s or­ches­tra, which re­leased a se­ries of record­ings in the Miller style, and on the same label, Vic­tor, as Beneke. In re­sponse, in early 1950, Beneke began to re­turn more to Miller’s li­brary. Flana­gan’s live debut in spring 1950, how­ever, drew an ex­cited re­ac­tion from the trade press, who gen­er­ally felt it to be bet­ter than Beneke’s band. Un­like Beneke, Flana­gan avoided cur­rent pop tunes and fo­cused on the dance beat. As one Down Beat re­view wrote about Flana­gan: “It’s one of the very few bands since the war which this re­viewer has lis­tened to for an en­tire evening with sus­tained in­ter­est.” Beneke began to feel the heat, and he took ex­cep­tion with Vic­tor’s han­dling and pro­mo­tion of Flana­gan. He and Haynes asked Vic­tor for re­lease from their con­tract.


Like most band­lead­ers in the late 1940s, Beneke had trou­ble find­ing and keep­ing vo­cal­ists, and he went through a slew of names. Lane, Malvin, and the Crew Chiefs re­mained with the band through sum­mer 1946. Malvin had left by Oc­to­ber, though, re­placed by Garry Stevens. Lane and the Crew Chiefs left in Oc­to­ber. The Mello-​Larks re­placed the Crew Chiefs, with Mello-​Lark Joan Lorry tem­porar­ily tak­ing over as fe­male vo­cal­ist until Ginny O’Con­nor, pre­vi­ously with Mel Tormé’s Meltones, was hired for the role. O’Con­nor re­tired in spring 1947 to marry Beneke’s pi­anist, Henry Mancini. The Mello-​Larks left in sum­mer 1947, and Beneke re­placed them with his own cre­ation, the Moon­light Ser­e­naders. Stevens stayed with the or­ches­tra into early 1948.

Beneke had a hard time re­plac­ing O’Con­nor, and the fe­male vocal slot was open for quite some time after her de­par­ture. Wilma Ris­ner sang on the or­ches­tra’s On the Beam radio pro­gram in early 1948. By June 1949, Mary Mayo, one of the Moon­light Ser­e­naders, was han­dling fe­male vo­cal­ist chores. A no­tice in Au­gust re­ported that Suzanne Shep­herd had re­placed Claire Sher­win as Beneke’s vo­cal­ist, though Sher­win was likely Claire Chatwin, an­other of the Moon­light Ser­e­naders. Mar­i­lyn Jack­son also sang.

Ron­nie Deauville re­placed Stevens as the male bal­ladeer, but by fall Kirk Wood had come and gone. In late 1948, Beneke re­lied solely on him­self and the Moonl­ght Ser­e­naders for vo­cals, with vocal group mem­ber Bob Mitchell tak­ing bal­lads. Glenn Dou­glas was male vo­cal­ist in mid-​1949. Gregg Lawrence, Buddy Yea­ger, and Bob Shaver sang in 1950. In 1951, Bill Ray­mond was vo­cal­ist, with the Crew Chiefs re­turn­ing to back Beneke on record­ings. Ray Eberle and the Gwen Bari Trio also recorded with the band in sum­mer 1951.

Helen Lee sang in mid-​1950, but by Sep­tem­ber she had been re­placed by Eydie Gormé. With Gormé, Beneke fi­nally found a sta­ble fe­male vo­cal­ist, and one who im­pressed the crit­ics. Gormé had pre­vi­ously sang with Tommy Tucker but cred­its Beneke with teach­ing her how to per­form. She went on to a very suc­cess­ful ca­reer as a singer in the 1950s and 1960s.

Break with Miller Es­tate

Flana­gan’s rise in pop­u­lar­ity as well as the ap­pear­ance of other Miller im­i­ta­tors caused Beneke to take stock of his sit­u­a­tion, and in De­cem­ber 1950 he made the de­ci­sion to part ways with Haynes and strike out on his own. Haynes was dis­mis­sive, say­ing “Some­body has put big ideas in [Beneke’s] head. He seems to think he can get along on his own with no help from those who gave him his start.” Haynes also took pos­ses­sion of the orig­i­nal Miller li­brary, which com­prised about half of Miller’s total book. Beneke was not wor­ried, ex­plain­ing, “Most of the so-​called ‘orig­i­nal Miller arrange­ments’ have been pub­lished as stocks al­most note for note and can be bought in any music store. That’s ex­actly what I did to re­place some.” Beneke had no im­me­di­ate plans to change the band’s style or for­mat, though he hoped to cre­ate a sound that would be more dis­tinc­tive than the “now-​much-copied” Miller sound, be­liev­ing Miller’s music would have evolved nat­u­rally over the years if Miller had been alive and would not have re­mained sta­tic.

Beneke at­tempted to keep work­ing with Miller’s widow, of­fer­ing her an agree­ment where she would have re­ceived the same per­cent­age as she al­ways had, but she de­clined. Beneke lost the right to use the Miller name, though op­er­a­tors were al­lowed to use the tagline “Music in the Miller Mood” when re­fer­ring to Beneke’s band. Beneke also put pres­sure on RCA Vic­tor and won his early re­lease from the label. He signed with MGM Records in Jan­u­ary 1951, and Mancini began writ­ing new arrange­ments for the or­ches­tra. Beneke switched book­ing agen­cies from Gen­eral Artists Cor­po­ra­tion, who had han­dled Miller, to Gabbe, Lutz and Heller.

In Jan­u­ary 1951, Haynes se­cured a court order to seize prop­erty that had been jointly owned by he and Beneke be­fore the split. The morn­ing after Beneke’s band had fin­ished an en­gage­ment at the Pal­la­dium in Los An­ge­les, a mov­ing van hired by Haynes ar­rived at the club and hauled off music racks, por­tions of the music li­brary, and var­i­ous other props. The fa­mously quiet-​tempered Beneke of­fered no ob­jec­tions, though he felt he had as much right to the prop­erty as did Haynes. Beneke wanted the split to be set­tled peace­fully and had no de­sire to make trou­ble. Haynes also seized other jointly-​owned prop­erty in New York.

In No­vem­ber 1951, Miller’s es­tate de­cided to sell tran­scrip­tions and record­ings taken from air checks of Miller’s 15-​minute Chester­field pro­gram in the early 1940s. Gen­eral Artists Cor­po­ra­tion sued the es­tate, claim­ing con­trac­tual rights to the pro­grams. Beneke, using the same lawyer as GAC, also sued be­cause he hadn’t given per­mis­sion for his name or work to be used in con­nec­tion with the air check record­ings. He had only found out about the sale when the es­tate sent him checks, at a side­man’s scale. Haynes, who was the Miller es­tate’s man­ager, was in charge of sell­ing the tran­scrip­tions.

Though the Miller im­i­ta­tion fad began to fade out by the end of 1951, Beneke con­tin­ued to play Miller songs, as the crowd con­tin­ued to re­quest them, but he also began to branch out in other di­rec­tions. Lack­ing a strong pres­ence in the vocal de­part­ment after Gormé left to go solo in sum­mer 1951, he began to focus more on in­stru­men­tals, many of them with­out the dis­tinc­tive Miller sound. Record sales were poor, how­ever, and Beneke blamed MGM’s lack of pro­mo­tion, re­quest­ing a re­lease from his con­tract with the label. The band signed with Coral in 1953.

Eberle and the Mod­er­naires re­united with Beneke sev­eral times over the years for record­ings in the Miller man­ner. Beneke con­tin­ued lead­ing his or­ches­tra up until the early 1990s. Tex Beneke passed away in 2000 from res­pi­ra­tory fail­ure.


  1. Beneke was also voted to Down Beat’s 1943 and 1944 All-​American Swing Bands, de­spite the fact that he was in the Navy for the en­tirety of those years. ↩︎

  2. Beneke’s was the last big band to fea­ture strings. Other or­ches­tras had al­ready dropped theirs. ↩︎


  1. Simon, George T. The Big Bands. 4th ed. New York: Schirmer, 1981.
  2. Walker, Leo. The Wonderful Era of the Great Dance Bands. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1972.
  3. “Jekyll and Hyde Band Goes Big.” Down Beat 1 Dec. 1940: 18.
  4. “Down Beat's 1940 All-American Swing Band.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1941: 1.
  5. “Down Beat's 1941 All-American Swing Band.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1942: 1.
  6. “Vaudeville Reviews: Roxy, New York.” Billboard 17 Oct. 1942: 16.
  7. “Providence Vaude Draws Good Biz.” Billboard 31 Oct. 1942: 18.
  8. “Miller Singers Rebooked.” Billboard 12 Dec. 1942: 17.
  9. “Midnight Shows at All Downtown Houses Tomorrow.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 30 Dec. 1942: 9.
  10. “Here's Our '42 All-American Swing Band.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1943: 1.
  11. “Tex Beneke Joins Heidt's Band.” Down Beat 1 Feb. 1943: 6.
  12. “Beneke Comes And Goes With Horace Heidt.” Down Beat 15 Feb. 1943: 7.
  13. “Ravings at Reveille.” Down Beat 15 Dec. 1943: 30.
  14. “Tex Beneke Set to Head Miller Outfit in Mufti.” Billboard 6 Oct. 1945: 15.
  15. “Haynes, Tex Will Pilot Miller Ork.” Down Beat 1 Nov. 1945: 5.
  16. “Miller Ork for Capitol.” Billboard 8 Dec. 1945: 24.
  17. “Music as Written.” Billboard 5 Jan. 1946: 28.
  18. “New Beneke Crew Has Miller Name And Book.” Down Beat 28 Jan. 1946: 3.
  19. “Too Short for a Head.” Billboard 8 Jun. 1946: 14.
  20. “Miller-Tex Beneke Nice $24,300.” Billboard 20 Jul. 1946: 41.
  21. “Tex Beneke Will Drop Miller Tag Soon.” Billboard 27 Jul. 1946: 39.
  22. “Beneke-Miller Band Tour Cleaning Up.” Billboard 17 Aug. 1946: 18.
  23. “Music As Written.” Billboard 5 Oct. 1946: 18.
  24. “Music As Written.” Billboard 12 Oct. 1946: 34.
  25. “Vaudeville Reviews: Million Dollar, Los Angeles.” Billboard 2 Nov. 1946: 35.
  26. “Music As Written.” Billboard 9 Nov. 1946: 20.
  27. “On the Stand: Tex Beneke.” Billboard 28 Dec. 1946: 31.
  28. “Beneke Babe.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1947: 1.
  29. “Desmond and Beneke Team Up Again.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1947: 1.
  30. Levin, Michael. “Here's News Capsule Of Music World For 1946.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1947: 3.
  31. “Beneke Band Will Retain Miller Name.” Down Beat 29 Jan. 1947: 14.
  32. “Chords and Discords: Keep Miller Name.” Down Beat 26 Feb. 1947: 10.
  33. “Vaudeville Reviews: RKO Albee, Cincinnati.” Billboard 29 Mar. 1947: 37.
  34. “Vaudeville Reviews: Oriental, Chicago.” Billboard 26 Apr. 1947: 41.
  35. “Music As Written.” Billboard 3 May 1947: 34.
  36. Haynes, Don C. “Chicago Band Briefs.” Down Beat 7 May 1947: 6.
  37. “Beneke-Carle Radio Deals Snafu Bookings.” Billboard 17 May 1947: 19.
  38. “Good Buys.” Down Beat 4 Jun. 1947: 21.
  39. “Sweet Music and Beneke Lead in Collegiate Favor.” Billboard 12 Jul. 1947: 17.
  40. “Music As Written.” Billboard 20 Sep. 1947: 44.
  41. “Beneke Band To Drop Miller Name.” Down Beat 22 Oct. 1947: 23.
  42. Ballou, Monte. “Beneke Breaks Records.” Down Beat 25 Feb. 1948: 3.
  43. “Wilma Wins.” Down Beat 10 Mar. 1948: 23.
  44. “Music As Written.” Billboard 27 Mar. 1948: 18.
  45. Ronan, Eddie. “On the Sunset Vine.” Down Beat 28 Jan. 1949: 9.
  46. Hallock, Ted. “Beneke Mourns Strings; To Get More Miller-ish.” Down Beat 25 Mar. 1949: 2.
  47. “Beneke Reshuffles.” Down Beat 20 May 1949: 2.
  48. “You'll Never Walk Alone; Not With The Miller Tag.” Down Beat 17 Jun. 1949: 3.
  49. “Vaudeville Reviews: Paramount, New York.” Billboard 13 Aug. 1949: 41.
  50. “Strictly Ad Lib.” Down Beat 26 Aug. 1949: 5.
  51. “Orksters Dustin' Old Scores.” Billboard 25 Feb. 1950: 39.
  52. “Beneke Miffed; Asks Victor To Cancel Contract.” Down Beat 21 Apr. 1950: 1.
  53. Wilson, John S. “Flanagan Ork Gives Every Indication Of Being A Hit.” Down Beat 5 May 1950: 1.
  54. “Sidemen Switches.” Down Beat 6 Oct. 1950: 5.
  55. “Now With Tex.” Down Beat 20 Oct. 1950: 6.
  56. “Tex Beneke Leaves RCA.” Down Beat 1 Dec. 1950: 3.
  57. “Beneke, Haynes Split.” Down Beat 12 Jan. 1951: 1.
  58. “GL&H Pacts Tex Beneke.” Billboard 20 Jan. 1951: 10.
  59. “Tex Admits Miller Debt, But Wants Independence.” Down Beat 26 Jan. 1951: 1.
  60. “On the Stand: Tex Beneke.” Billboard 27 Jan. 1951: 16.
  61. “Music As Written.” Billboard 3 Feb. 1951: 35.
  62. “MGM Gets Tex Beneke.” Down Beat 9 Feb. 1951: 1.
  63. “Beneke Book, Properties Grabbed By Ex-Manager.” Down Beat 23 Feb. 1951: 1.
  64. “Sidemen Switches.” Down Beat 23 Feb. 1951: 7.
  65. “Beneke Thinks He Has The Answer.” Down Beat 1 Jun. 1951: 2.
  66. “Ray Eberle Cuts With Tex Beneke.” Down Beat 10 Aug. 1951: 1.
  67. “Sidemen Switches.” Down Beat 24 Aug. 1951: 7.
  68. “GAC Files Claim to Glenn Miller Issues.” Billboard 24 Dec. 1951: 18, 30.
  69. Feather, Leonard. “Tex Beneke's Orchestra Is No Run-Of-The-Miller.” Down Beat 4 Apr. 1952: 4.
  70. Hallock, Ted. “Beneke Band Jumps While MGM Platters Gather Dust.” Down Beat 8 Oct. 1952: 7.
  71. Oliver, Myrna. “Bandleader Tex Beneke Dies.” The Daily Gazette [Schenectady, New York] 1 Jun. 2000: C8
  72. “Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1935,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XL3S-BQ7 : Sun Mar 10 11:38:57 UTC 2024), Entry for Beneke and Mrs F S Beneke, 12 Feb 1914.
  73. “United States Census, 1920,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHT2-G5G : Sat Mar 09 05:31:43 UTC 2024), Entry for Frank Beneke and Dixie Beneke, 1920.
  74. “United States Census, 1930,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HVYR-R6Z : Sat Mar 09 16:34:54 UTC 2024), Entry for Frank S Beneke and Dixie L Beneke, 1930.
  75. “New York, New York City, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1947,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:WQV1-3PMM : Sat Mar 09 02:55:09 UTC 2024), Entry for Gordon Lee Beneke and Penn Hotel, 16 Oct 1940.
  76. “United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V366-43J : 10 January 2021), Gordon L Beneke, 30 May 2000; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).